In a sefer where each parsha is packed
with episodes integral to Jewish history, Parshas Chukas stands out. This
parsha contains the deaths of both Aharon and Miriam, two of the leaders of the
nation, as well as the cause of the eventual death of Moshe, the greatest
leader we ever had. This parsha represents a shift in the path the nation will
follow from here on out.
The cause of Moshe’s death is a
well-known story of his hitting a rock to get water out if it. Almost every
commentator has their own take on this story, exactly what happened, exactly
what was expected of Moshe, and where he went wrong. The basic story is that after
Miriam’s death, the Bnei Yisrael complained about the lack of water in the
desert. Moshe and Aharon daven to Hashem to help them. Hashem responds that
Moshe should take his staff and go out to the rock. At that time, he should
speak to the rock in front of the people, and the water will flow forth.
However, instead of speaking to
the rock, Moshe hits it with the staff. It worked, the water came flowing out,
but since he didn’t do it exactly as Hashem told him to, Hashem considered it a
lack of faith. It was even worse since this act took place in front of the
entire nation, as it resulted in a tremendous opportunity to sanctify Hashem’s
name ruined. Because of this, Moshe would not lead Bnei Yisrael into Eretz
Like we mentioned before, while the
above is the basic story as found in the Torah, every commentary has a
different take on the different elements of the story. Let’s examine one such element.
The Kli Yakar asks a simple but important
question on this story. If Hashem meant for Moshe to just speak to the rock,
what was the purpose of bringing the staff? In fact, Moshe had previously used
his stick to get water (See Shemos 15); it seems an easy mistake to make to
assume that he needed the staff in order to do the same thing again.
In order to answer this question, the
Kli Yakar brings a Chizkuni who explains that this staff that Moshe took was
not his staff that he used in Mitzrayim and by Krias Yam Suf. Instead, this was the staff of Aharon. In
Parshas Korach, in order to prove that Aharon was the rightful Kohen, Hashem had
the Nasi of each tribe place a staff in water inside the Mishkan. Whichever
staff would sprout flowers, they would know that that person was the rightful
Kohen. As we know, Aharon’s staff was the only one to flower. And while the
pasuk tells us that each person came and took their staff, Hashem told Moshe to
leave Aharon’s staff there in the Mishkan. It would serve as a reminder to
everyone that his claim to the Kehunah was completely legitimate. This is why
when Moshe takes the staff here to bring it to the rock, it says he took it “from
in front of Hashem” (20:9).
Why did he need to take Aharon’s staff instead
of his own? The Kli Yakar explains that this staff was very similar to the
stone they were about to approach. This staff was completely dry with absolutely
no moisture within it, but Hashem performed a miracle and the staff sprouted beautiful
flowers. Hashem brought water into a place where no water existed. Similarly, Hashem
asked Moshe to bring this staff to the rock, not to hit the rock, but as an
example. Just like Hashem made this dry staff give forth water to sprout
flowers, so too this dry rock could overflow with water, enough for the entire
nation. As long as Hashem willed it, it could and would happen.
This alone was what was required to
teach Bnei Yisrael to have the proper faith in Hashem, Moshe wasn’t supposed to
use the staff itself. However, for whatever reason, Moshe misunderstood the
instructions given to him, and that’s when the trouble began for him.
Shabbat Shalom!
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