While on a normal day we daven three tefillos
and four on Shabbos, on Yom Kippur we daven five times. In addition to the
typical tefillos of Shachris, Mincha, Maariv, and Mussaf, an extra teffilah of Neilah
is added at the end of the day as well. Yom Kippur is the last day for us to
commit ourselves to a proper life and to ask Hashem for a good year, so we do
our best to pray as much as time allows. The major theme of davening is the Viduy,
the Confession, where we ask Hashem to forgive us for the many sins we have
committed over the previous year. Viduy is said both in the silent
Amidah as well as in the Chazzan’s repetition for a total of ten times over the
course of the day. Why do we need to say it so many times? After the first
time, we have already committed to being better people, so why do we need to
say it over and over again?
The answer lies in discovering the main
purpose of the Viduy. The Rambam in Hilchos Teshuva (1:1) explains Viduy
contains four vital parts: recognizing that you have sinned, listing the sins
you have committed, regretting your actions, and committing not to repeat those
sins. All of these parts are vital and of equal importance. However, in a
different place the Rambam says the only important part of Viduy is
recognizing that you have sinned (2:8). What happened to the other three ‘important’
Rav Shalom Schwadron, ZT”L, in his sefer
Kol Dodi Dofek, explains this seeming contradiction in the Rambam. There
is a type of Viduy that must be made in order to fulfill the mitzvah of
Teshuvah. This is the one explained in 1:1 of Hilchos Teshuvah and includes
four vital parts. However, the mitzvah of Teshuvah is a process that is focused
over the entire time period from Elul through the Aseres Yimei Teshuvah; but
when it comes to Yom Kippur, there is a special class of Viduy which must
be done. It’s not simply about committing to a better future, it’s the recognition
that we have sinned. It is the only vital part to this Viduy. (The
Ramban in 2:7 actually seems to indicate that when it comes to Yom Kippur,
there is a concept of Viduy separate from the obligation of Teshuva.)
The idea behind Yom Kippur is not just
to look at our actions from the past year, sincerely regret any sins, and
commit to a better future; that’s the idea of this entire period! Yom Kippur, is
specifically about recognizing even before we repent, that we have done something
wrong. Even though we may have fulfilled the confession portion of our
obligation to repent, we must make another separate declaration admitting that
we were wrong.
This is the reason why we repeat Viduy
twice in every Tefillah. It’s not enough for us to request forgiveness, we must
recognize what we did wrong. Yom Kippur is such an amazing gift, it’s the
opportunity to start completely from scratch, an entirely clean slate. In order
to properly recognize this gift, we must first understand how great it is. How
do we do this? We say: We were wrong! We were not right! How embarrassing that
is to admit, to say we have sinned against Hashem, the One to whom we owe
everything. What an amazing chance we have now to make it all go away! Once we
recognize that, the Teshuva process we have begun over a month ago takes on a
different feel and rhythm; we can now truly begin to ask forgiveness and commit
to being better people in the year ahead.
May we use this Yom Kippur in its
intended manner. May our Viduy be sincere and our tefillos be said with
proper intent. With this mindset, we will truly merit a healthy and successful
new year!
Gmar Chasima Tova!
Shabbat Shalom!
Click here for last year's Dvar Torah for Yom Kippur
Click here to listen this this week's Podcast (Also available on Apple Podcasts)
Click here to listen this this week's Podcast (Also available on Apple Podcasts)
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